Therapeutic Examination and Diagnostic Testing for Patients with Neurological Conditions – Webinar
December 18 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm MST
It has been estimated that one in six individuals have a neurological condition (PAHO, 2021). Neurological conditions are among the most complex diagnoses seen by practitioners. Conditions involving the neurological system can affect behavior, cognition, memory, movement, pain, and sensory systems. Many neurological diagnoses affect more than one of these areas; therefore, making therapeutic recovery even more challenging. This course will cover the many medical diagnostic tests and therapy-related examinations used to make an accurate diagnosis by physicians and to guide our therapeutic interventions for safe and effective results.
- Acquire a deeper understanding of commonly utilized examinations and tests used with the neurologically involved population to determine levels of physical and cognitive abilities
- Strategies for creating a plan of care for theneurologically involved population for improved safety and outcomes
- Increase knowledge of medical diagnostic testing for alumbar puncture, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, electroencephalogram, and nerve conduction studies