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Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome: The Opposite Of ADHD – Live Webinar

January 21 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am MST

We have all heard about ADD without the H. This diagnosis is called CDS (Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome). The signs and symptoms are apparent. These clients are easily confused, daydream, have decreased processing time, and are spacey, lethargic, and sluggish. This seminar will help you to better understand this individual and how best to facilitate success in their lives.

Presented By

Tere Bowen-Irish, OTR/L

Tere Bowen-Irish

Tere Bowen- Irish has practiced Occupational Therapy in pediatrics and psychiatry for over 40 years. Through her business, All the Possibilities, she continues to provide treatment, assessment, and consultation for clients. Workshops for therapists, educators, and parents are offered privately or publicly on a variety of topics such as inclusion, child development, classroom management, behavioral challenges, executive function, and other topics relevant to the 21st-century educational system. The focus is on common sense and a practical approach toward empowering educators and students to create a climate of learning, understanding, and inclusiveness for all abilities.

Tere is also the creator/author of The Drive Thru Menu Suite of Exercises, which is an initiative to bring movement and mindfulness into today’s classrooms. She is a certified YogaKids teacher and a Certified Mindful Schools Instructor. She is the author of Yoga and Me, Come be a Tree and co-authored My Mindful Music with Mary Ann Harman. Feel free to contact Tere at tereirish@gmail.com

Learning Outcomes

  • After this course, participants will be able to differentiate between a diagnosis of ADHD and cognitive disengagement.
  • After this course, participants will be able to analyze the daily impact that the characteristics of this diagnosis have on overall functioning at school, home, and community.
  • After this course, participants will be able to evaluate interventions and treatment based on signs, symptoms and challenges with daily life skills.


0-5 Minutes Introduction
5-20 Minutes Overview of this condition
20-40 Minutes Consideration of co-morbidity, prognosis, and environmental demands
40-55 Minutes Interventions to promote success
55-60 Minutes Summary; Q&A


January 21
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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